Don't Forget Today's Back to School Roundup Hosted by All Nations San Bernardino
@AllNationsSBD #BacktoSchool #Back2School #School #PAL #PCA #PALCharter #PALCharter Academy #GoBulls #AllNations #SanBernardino #Outreach

Today's the Day! Back to School Outreach Event Hosted by CIU and SNT
CIU and SNT Outreach are hosting a Back to School Family Fun Outreach event on Saturday, July 30 in the city of Colton from 11:30 a.m. to...

REMINDER: New Start Time Upcoming School Year
Hello PAL Charter Academy Families, The first day of the new school year is August 8th, and due to the newly passed Senate Bill, we'll...

Welcome Back - School Starts Monday, August 8th
Dear PAL Students & Parents, We are so excited to welcome you all back for the 2022-2023 school year here at PAL Charter Academy. We hope...

Join us This Thursday for a Back to School BBQ!
#PCA #PAL #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #School #BacktoSchool #BBQ

Grand Opening Ayala Park - August 6th from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
#Ayala #AyalaPark #GrandOpening #Bloomington #Park #RibbonCutting #SanBernardinoCounty

REMINDER: Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year NOW OPEN!
PCA Families, The 2022-2023 school year is right around the corner. PAL Charter Academy is now accepting re-enrollments and applications...

Attention Summer School Student!
#SummerSchool #Summer #PAL #PCA #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SummerBash

Back to School Roundup Hosted by All Nations San Bernardino - July 30, 2022
@AllNationsSBD #BacktoSchool #Back2School #School #PAL #PCA #PALCharter #PALCharter Academy #GoBulls #AllNations #SanBernardino #Outreach

Upcoming IE Live Market Nite - September 10, 2022
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD