Graduation Orders Available for Pickup
This message is for the Graduating Class of 2022, Graduation orders are now available for pickup. Please call the office at 909-887-7002...

Public Comment Invited on 2022-2023 Draft LCAP
The 2022 - 2023 Local Control Accountability Plan has been developed after months of input from PCA education partners including staff,...

Senior Breakfast May 23rd
Graduating Seniors! PCA will be hosting a senior breakfast on May 23rd at 8:00 am. This event is for graduating seniors only and will be...

Valley Enrollment Day - May 23rd from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Attention PAL Charter Academy students: enrollment for San Bernardino Valley College is this Monday, May 23rd! For more information,...

Grad Night Tickets
The SB County Non-Profit Organization, Children’s Fund, donated 4 Grad Night tickets, at random, to our PAL Charter Academy Seniors!...

9th and 10th Grade San Diego Zoo Field Trip
PAL Charter Academy 9th and 10th graders took a field trip to the San Diego Zoo yesterday! The students were able to sightsee, learn...

Senior Fridays - Starting April 8th
Senior Fridays starting this week on April 8th! There will be tutoring and portfolio workshops! See the attached flyer for more!...

PCA Staff Team Builder
PAL Charter Academy goes out for a team-building bowling afternoon! What an amazing opportunity for a great time and to truly appreciate...

Middle School Skyland Ranch Field Trip
PAL Charter Academy Middle School takes a Boys and Girls Scout field trip to Skyland Ranch! It was the perfect opportunity to get our...

Registration Now Open for Summer School 2022
Summer School Enrollment is Now Open! We are accepting applications from April 12th - June 17th. Click the link provided,...