Varsity Football Student-Athletes Give Back
PCA's varsity football players took part in "Bulls for the Community." Our student-athletes took to the streets to give back and help...

Free Money for College Sponsored by the State of California CalKids Program
Are you interested in boosting your child's college savings? Do you want to increase the access your child has to higher education?...

Don't Forget Tomorrow's IE Live Market Nite
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD

IE Live Market Nite - Happening This Saturday!
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD

Don't Miss Out! IE Live Market Nite - September 10, 2022
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD

Don't Miss Out! IE Live Market Nite - September 10, 2022
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD

Don't Miss Out! IE Live Market Nite - September 10, 2022
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD

Don't Miss Out! IE Live Market Nite - September 10, 2022
#PAL #PCA #MarketNite #IELive #SanBernardino #BacktoSchool #School #PALCharter #PALCharterAcademy #SBCUSD

Welcome Back to School Teachers
Welcome Back, Teachers! Today marks the return of our wonderful teaching staff. We missed you, but we hope that you had an enjoyable and...

Don't Forget Today's Back to School Roundup Hosted by All Nations San Bernardino
@AllNationsSBD #BacktoSchool #Back2School #School #PAL #PCA #PALCharter #PALCharter Academy #GoBulls #AllNations #SanBernardino #Outreach